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Media Art, Editing and Voiceover by Thorsten Wenning

Rain Sounds on Open Window

A new Dimmed Screen Calming Rain Sounds Composition I made, combining different graphic techniques. On the audio side I used multiple layers of rain and creek sounds to cover the whole frequency spectrum to make this Rain Sounds for Sleeping composition as perfect as it gets. What is your opinion about it? Did you relax throughout the whole Dimmed Screen Video or were there annoying sounds that kept you away from a deep sleep? Just write me a comment in the section below. Please keep in mind, that Relaxing Rain may also work for ASMR Sleep, Stress Reduction, Tinnitus Relief and against Insomnia. You may also try it, if you want to erase annoying sounds while you need to concentrate. Yoga and Meditation could be additional possibilities in the application of Calming Rain Sounds. And now Happy Relaxing Everyone, Edy

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