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Media Art, Editing and Voiceover by Thorsten Wenning

Rain on Car Sounds for Sleeping

My recent car recording session turned out to to be a great Rain on Car Sounds for Sleeping Composition combing it with a Dimmed Screen Animation Sequence that hopefully fits your needs for a Deep Sleep Experience. Luckily I made this night rain recording in a solitary forest in northern Germany, so there are no distracting noises involved. Actually I’m really curious about the feedback on the animation layer. What do you think about the forest. If you closely look at it the trees, leaves and the sky is animated ?, so is this a gimmick you like or should I concentrate on more static animations?

Just write me a comment below. Keep in mind that this Rain on Car Sounds Video may work for deep sleep, tinnitus relief, against sleeping problems and for stress reduction. Night Rain for Deep Sleep. I hope you like it!

? I recommend listening to the video at low volume, so you have the best relaxing feeling. Enjoy it!

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Airplane Rain Sounds For Sleeping